Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 5 Collection

Create something with a collection.  I have a decent collection of pez dispensers so I decided to pile them together to create a pez "mosaic".  I am a huge fan of the stories where people find religious images in every day items; an average morning breakfast turns into a modern day miracle with people coming from miles around to admire a piece of toast.

My inspiration was a "Virgin Mary" underpass stain that people turned into a shrine a few blocks from my old place in Chicago.  Here's a pic of my boyfriend standing by it.  Personally I think it looks like something they would show as a scare tactic to inform teens of the hazards of unprotected sex.  

Gross, right?   Well here's an example of some fantastic parenting as a women helps her son to kiss that bum piss covered underpass wall:
Now that I have you salivating, here's my creation....
... you just have to squint your eyes....
....maybe take a step back....

WHOA I SEE IT! It's a miracle!

Fun site on other religious sightings:

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