Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 20: Clay

Make something with clay (go outside of comfort zone)...
I decided to play off of the imagery I created at the end of my post yesterday... remember Fabio & sour cream and chive potato chips?
I used Sculpey, marbles, tin foil, and an Altoids mini container.  I had never created an object this large with clay nor had I ever tried to do a more human-esk creation.
The start, she has a marble in her head and a large marble in her upper torso.  Then I attached the two...
Making1  Making2

Behind the scenes... the less glamorous angle.  You can see the marbles at the bottom of the first pic.
Making3  Making4

And here's the final...
I decided to make her an appropriate living space... (origami paper, cut out from a home depot ad, cat sticker).  I have a TERRIBLE time drawing or sculpting hands and feet so don't look too close and just give me credit for trying.


  1. Look, you may as well have drawn or painted that. Quit lolligagging and just paint sumpthin' already. Good luck.


  2. I don't know how to paint but I'm sure I'll be trying it soon... feel free to openly mock the results a la

