Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 9 cont: Improving on the Old

Bought glue sticks today and fixed Day 8's project.  MUCH BETTER.
I'm also still working on improving the stencil project from day 7.  Things I've learned:
  • Take time to let the paint dry between layers.  Otherwise you lay the stencil wrong you're screwed.
  • Make sure to block off the rest of the project so there is no spray over beyond the stencil.  Hold that shit down!  The paint will spray under with even a little gap when working outside.
  • Create a marker to allow for you to easily align the stencils.  I poked two holes so that I could line it up.
  • And last but most importantly, if you are creating a pattern in the background, take the time to measure it out.

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