Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 33: Pen Project

Use a pen for your project today.
Well I used markers... my inspration came from this very cool project: Wallpaper Pen Project
I bought a 30 pack of markers and attempted to add them to a piece of cardboard to create something similar to the inspiration project but it was too difficult and was taking too long to poke big enough holes and to keep the markers straight.  Instead, gathered them into a bunch and wrapped a rubber band around them.
I started in the middle of the paper holding the markers down for about 15-20 seconds then worked my way out holding the markers down for less time.  I noticed the image in the middle resembled an ape face so I took out a few markers and added additional dots to define it.
I think I might finish this by fleshing out the full ape or at least the head. 

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