Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 49: Sock Bun Curls - Yeah, It's A Girl Post

Hey Ladies, have you fried the shit out of your hair like I have? Do you want to wake up in the morning with a pretty flowing locks? Well let me introduce you to the sock bun. You've probably already seen a sock bun and in my personal opinion I think the bun itself is ugly and looks like a butthole on your head but eh... you could convince me it's a sexy ballerina thing, ala black swan, and I might buy it.
Butthole bun, Bagel bun, whatever blech.

1. Take a sock, cut off the toe.
2. Roll that shit up.
3. You need to do this with ALMOST dry hair. Don't do this with wet hair you'll get a bad result AND you don't want bottom of the hamper hair (moldy, gross). I think it's silly to buy a spray bottle just for water so I run my hands under water, flick them and then run the remaining water through my hair... depending on how dry my hair feels I may do this 1-3 X's.
4. Tip your head over and pull your hair into a top-of-the-head pony tail (here some people use a rubber band to hold their hair in place but I got a bad kink so I skip that).
5. Take the sock "scrunchy" slide it on like a normal hair tie.
6. Separate your pony tail into two sections
7. Slide the sock to the end of your strands
8. Wrap each of the strands around the sock one on each side. *My first try I was LAZY and didn't tuck the ends nicely and had great curls with kinks at the end.*
9. Once you have the ends nicely tucked roll it down to your scalp.
roll  bun
10. Put on cat eye glasses and a tight button up shirt and treat your man to the sexy librarian look, or drink a couple glasses of wine alone ... then go to sleep.
11. Wake up, unroll, meow
I read that chicks in the military do this.
It's VERY comfortable (the lump is soft and on the top of your head).
I'll edit this tomorrow AM with pics... when I have make up on, and then I'll crop out my face anyway.
*And here it is... it's really hard taking a picture of the back of your head.  I think I may have TRex arms.
Here's the video I watched to learn this trick: How to curl your hair with a sock! No heat

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