Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 44: Light It Up

Create something that lights up (w/ candles, bulbs, etc).
So I decided to come out of the gate with some bad quality pictures. Yeah! Eat it up!
First mistake - using film with ocean pics. Just looks like pictures of static. I was afraid to use film with pics I love and I don't have much left.
Mistake two - never preparing for the project prior. Red votives don't really allow enough light through.

I was inspired by this project to do a follow up where I scan my photobooth pics, turn the images in the strip by 90°, print, modge podge around the outside of clear votive holders. Plus I can adjust the transparency of the pics in Photoshop. Bam!! Awesome.

Oh by the way... Materials: Votives, film, tape... yeah tape!

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