Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 11: On the Other Hand

Use your nondominant hand to create something.
I didn't want to post a bad drawing as my project for the day and I'm still really excited about my Dremel so after polishing all my silver jewelry I sat down with some wooden dominos.
I made the gas mask & rib cage (w/ nail polish heart) first using my right hand to try it out.  Then moved on to the stranger to attempt a skeleton. 
Now it's time to pack for tomorrow's LA weekend adventure with my friend Maria from Chicago.  First night: Rise Against, Bad Religion, & the DESCENDENTS in Long Beach, woo!  What can I pack that's slutty?  (Don't worry Ryan, I'll take pictures)

My favorite part of this project was the Facebook comment from my buddy Fingers (who has one hand)
Fingers: Must be nice having the option of two hands...
Me: You haven't felt this left out since it was time to draw hand turkeys in kindergarten!

I also tried to make a Dead Guy hoody using "Stencil Spray" fabric paint from Michaels. 
It didn't spray like spray paint just spatters then bam tons of paint then just spattering again.  I didn't follow the instructions and put something in between the fabric and I'll never learn my lesson and block off the surrounding area well enough, so it soaked through and there's splatters all over the bottom.  Lame:

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