Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 8 Book "Enhancement"

Cut, fold, glue etc to transform a book.  Today's Sunday and I spent my entire day doing fun things... like cleaning my house from top to bottom, including setting my pez back up.
How pathetic do you think I am after viewing that?  You should expect it, obviously my raging social life allows for me to do these daily creations/blog without issue.
Ok, now to my creation... I waited till 8:45PM to figure out what I was going to do and start.  I had to run to FedEx because my printer stopped working and then had to make do with what I already had.
Dracula book, wine (an ingredient I use in most of my projects), and double sided tape (as well as a print out of one of my favorite dracula images).
I thought I had a glue stick but was stuck using double stick tape which left a lot of raised pieces that annoy me.
I used wine to stain the images... this was my test run and was so beautiful that I prefer this pic to my final product.

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