Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 29: In Disguise

Make a disguise for yourself, a friend, a pet, or an object.
Today was moving day and by the time this picture was taken I was bruised, extremely sore, waiting for pizza and ready to pass out.
The craft isn't fantastic but the picture is funny.
I made bug out eye glasses for Cat Benatar since she was BUGGIN all day with the move. 
*mwow      mwow    MWOW  MWOW   MWOWMWOWMWOWMWOW*
Just to bring it home, here's a pic of her snuggling up a day after she created multiple punctures across my chest (that's not a scratch).  Ryan said he could hear multiple POP's as it happened.  Yeah, I cried.
It actually doesn't look too bad in this pic but a few of those are still purple around the outside.
Jerk Ouch

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